General Information of Msmpeng.exe
Msmpeng.exe is a core process that belongs
to Windows Defender, the anti-spyware product from Microsoft. The primary
functions of Windows Defender which utilizes the features of this process are
removal, prevention and quarantine of spyware. It commonly locates in
C:\Program Files folder or in the subfolder of C:\, and it occupies only little
amount of disk space in Windows. However, once this process gets infected by
virus or has been maliciously changed, it will become bloated and consumes huge
amount of resource and memory space. And it may be found somewhere else in the
disk or multiple processes with this process name will appear on Task Manager. It’s
suggested to get rid of the infection immediately for proper running of Msmpeng.exe
and correct operation of the whole system.
Msmpeng.exe Error Message
Your computer is low on memory. Save your
files and close these programs: Borderlands. Windows will only close enough
programs to restore needed memory.
The Windows Installer Service could not be
accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact
your support personnel for assistance.
E:\WINDOWS\system32\config is not
accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
What Trigger Msmpeng.exe Error?
Lack of full time security protection
Failure to update system to the newest
Computer is infected with malware or virus
Removal of necessary system components
Its related files or modules have been
corrupt or damaged
Improper shutdown or booting method of
The Consequences Caused by Msmpeng.exe
This process consumes 100% of CPU resource
and massive memory usage.
This error causes conflict among process, application
and service.
This process reconfigures the scheduled
activities and modifies registry setting without users’ permission.
Your computer slows down while playing
games and you have to wait forever to connect to Internet.
It keeps loading this process onto system,
which turns out to be false files using the same file name to execute malicious
How to Solve Msmpeng.exe Error Swiftly?
Step1 Remove Directory for Scanning
If you want to keep using Windows Defender,
then your only way to fix Msmpeng.exe issue is to prevent the Windows Defender
directory from being scanned.
1. Open Windows Defender, click
on Tools and then Options. Scroll down to the Advanced
Options section:
2. Now click on the Add button under the
“Do not scan these files or locations” section. Type in the path for the
Windows Defender directory: c:\program files\windows defender.
3. Click OK and make sure to click
the Save button.
Step2 Disable Windows Defender
1. To turn off Windows Defender, open the
program and click on Options.
2. Go to Administrator
options and uncheck the Use Windows Defender box.
3. Now click Save.
Step3 Repair Windows Registry
Windows Registry is a critical part of
computer which stores all the information of Windows configurations, settings
and third party program information. The parameters stored in registry directly
control the startup of Windows, loading of hard drivers and the operation of
other routines. Since its key status in Windows system, any damage to or
removal of registry component may trigger devastating problems like blue screen
of death, obscure system shutdown and malfunction of applications. To protectcomputer from Msmpeng.exe error, you should firstly fix Windows registry
Mass of registry problems can be solved
with the help of a powerful registry fixing tool. A rewarding registry product
may help fix any registry problems by removing unnecessary registry entries,
repairing damaged registry key and back up important registry data for
application usage. How to efficiently get rid of Msmpeng.exe error and dispel
Windows registry problems?