Get to know about wlidsvcm.exe
wlidsvcm.exe works together with wlidsvc.exe
to form the Windows Live Sign-In Assistant Service. wlidsvcm.exe stands for
Service Monitor and it helps you log onto Windows Live. Its existence provides
convenience when multiple users are logging into Windows Live Messenger
simultaneously. This processes has a very small memory footprint (less than
2,000 K combined), so it shouldn’t noticeably affect your system’s overall
performance. If you really want to disable this service, firstly you should
know that the log-in function of Windows Live application will no longer work
out. Though wlidsvcm.exe is useful, but once the error occurs, you need to fix
the problem as early as possible.
Error message that you may encounter
wlidsvcm.exe has encountered a problem and
need to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
The memory could not be read, click OK to
terminate the program
Error(740): The requested operation
requires elevation
ERROR: Unable to start the Bluetooth stack
Signing in to Windows Live Messenger Beta
failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
Error code 800706ba
What cause wlidsvcm.exe error?
Damaged or missing critical system file
Lost or corrupt registry entries and keys
Failure to update Windows system
Computer operates without protection from
Unable to optimize and cleanup computer on
a regular basis
Too many programs run at the same time
Hard disk has no enough space
The unexpected consequences brought by wlidsvcm.exe
High processor and memory usage
You have to wait forever to the respond to
System instability and devastating crash
Antivirus couldn’t detect virus as normal
Application malfunction and some malicious
programs are downloaded without users’ knowledge
Contagious files load into system without
notice and hide itself in background
Scanner couldn’t detect the concealed
Computer will encounter system crash and
blue screen of death
How to troubleshoot wlidsvcm.exe error within
a few steps?
Method 1 Replace a good wlidsvcm.exe
If computer system can’t find wlidsvcm.exe
or its error appears, download a new one into computer. Depending on different system
versions, such as Windows XP, Windows NT or Win7, download a compatible file and
then copy it to system directory.
For Windows 95/98/Me, copy to C:\Windows\System
For Windows NT/2000, copy to C:\WINNT\System32 `
For Windows XP/WIN7, copy to C:\Windows\System32
Lastly, go to Start menu, click Run, type in wlidsvcm.exe, and then press Enter.
Method 2 Perform a system restore
Go to Start menu, and then
point to All Programs, Accessories, System Tools and System Restore.
Once the System Restore window
appears, select Restore My Computer to an Earlier Time and click Next.
Select a day that your computer
is functioning properly and click Next. After the restoring process, Windows
will restart using the old settings.
Method 3 Remove Windows registry problems
The Windows registry acts as a central part
of Windows system, which serves important information of hardware, software and
device in system. If you remove its entry unintentionally or some malware’s
entry is added into it, the registry may experience various malfunction and
cause system instability to crash. Blue or black screen of death, dll file loss
and incomplete un-installation are often the result of a corrupt registry
error. How to completely fix wlidsvcm.exe error and quickly get rid of registry
You can do a lot of harm to system by
meddling with registry editor, and it’s highly suggested not to manually change
registry if you are not familiar with its functionality. Specialized software
program is a trustworthy and more convenient tool for solving registry
problems. It can help examine the whole system for registry error, repair
damaged registry entries and remove corrupt registry keys as soon as possible.
How to troubleshoot wlidsvcm.exe error and remove registry problems easily?